Coordinator’s Message

Educational Coordinator
Dushika Nivethanan

In the words of Neil Armstrong, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

At the Academy of Tamil Language and Arts, our primary goal is to make learning our mother tongue accessible and enjoyable for all children who are eager to explore the Tamil language. We aim to provide them with the opportunity to embrace an additional language alongside English, enriching their cultural and linguistic repertoire.

We are fortunate to have the support of many parents who actively encourage their children to engage with the Tamil language through various avenues.

The Academy is dedicated to imparting our culture and traditions to the younger generation in a structured and systematic manner. We firmly believe that by equipping our children with knowledge of our language, culture, and traditions, we are paving the way for them to become well-rounded individuals who are proud of their heritage.

Dushika Nivethanan
Educational Coordinator
Academy of Tamil Language and Arts
Canterbury Tamil Society

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