New Executive Committee for 2020/21

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Canterbury Tamil Society Annual General Meeting for the year 2020/2021 was held on Sunday at 5.30 pm the 15th of March,2020 at Riccarton Baptist Church, 80 Rattray Street, Riccarton, Christchurch.

The annual report for the year 2019/2020 was presented by Mrs. Subashini Surendran, Secretary of CTS for the year 2019/2020. Its adoption was proposed by Mr. Thayakaran Sandirasegary and seconded by Mrs.Logina Sivakumaran.

Mr. Senthuran Arulanantham Treasurer of CTS for the year 2019/2020, presented the Treasurer’s Report. Its adoption was proposed by Mr. Umashanthan Balendranathan and seconded by Mrs Kiruba Gnanasuhathipan.

At the AGM, the following executive committee was elected for the year 2020/2021,

President: Mr. Umashanthan Balendranathan

Proposed by: Mr. Senthuran Arulanantham

Seconded by: Mr.Thayakaran Sandirasegary

Vice-president: Mrs. Sivakamy Ambalavanar 

Proposed by: Mr. Surendran Sivalingam

Seconded by: Mr. Ganasugathipan Sivasubaramaniyan

Secretary: Mr. Venkataraman Govindharaju

Proposed by: Mr. Umashanthan Balendranathan

Seconded by: Mrs. Dushika Nivethanan

Treasurer: Mr. Siva Thirumal

Proposed by: Mr. Venkataraman Govindharaju

Seconded by: Mr. Gnanamani Ramalingam

A general discussion was taken place between the new executive committee members and other members.

Finally, CTS executive members convey their thanks to the members who attend at the AGM.


Venkataraman Govindharaju


Canterbury Tamil Society

PO Box 6739, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch 8442

New Zealand.

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