Dear CTS Members
Vanakkam, Please note that the CTS Committee Election to nominate the new committee for the period of 01 April 2019 till 31 March 2020 will be taken place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the details are provided below:

Date: On Sunday, the 31st March, 2019
Time: 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm
Venue: Riccarton Baptist Church, 80 Rattray Street, Riccarton, Christchurch 8041.
Full members of CTS are invited to nominate the candidates for the Post of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Constitution (attached herewith) of CTS stipulates that the candidates for the above posts should be a fully-paid up member of CTS. Each candidate should be proposed and seconded by a fully paid-up member of CTS.
Please find attached the Nomination Form. The Form should be duly filled and indicates the followings:

1. The position, date of birth and name of the candidate
2. Name and signature of the fully-paid up member of CTS proposing the candidate
3. Name and signature of the fully-paid up member of CTS seconding the candidate
4. The candidate’s signed declaration.
5. As per the Constitutional requirements, please make sure that the duly filled form should be reached to the committee on or before 12th March 2019.
Non-compliance of the above requirements will render the nomination/s invalid.
Please send your nominations by recorded/registered delivery to reach:
The Returning Officer,
CTS Elections,
PO Box 6739,
Upper Riccarton,
Moreover, getting the approval from the fully-paid up member of CTS, the following issues will be discussed during the AGM. Upon approval, the new committee will take the necessary actions to implement them.
1. Increasing the membership fees
2. Fundraising in various ways to promote the CTS objectives
3. Getting membership from the multicultural society
4. As per the New Zealand Constitutional Requirements, creating the volunteers’ description
If you need any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the committee.
Surendran SivalingamSecretary,
Canterbury Tamil Society
PO Box 6739Upper RiccartonChristchurch – 8442New Zealand
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